Eastmoor High School Class of 1966

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Welcome to the Class of '66 Reunion Page

This website is a byproduct of the 40th reunion, created primarily to share photos taken by various people during the evening social. Information or photos of previous reunions is very limited but has been included. (Who in the 70's, 80's, and even 90's knew the internet, email and digital cameras would so easily reconnect us all). As the years go by, this page will be updated with memories of the 45th, 50th, 55th,... maybe even 75th reunions.

If anyone has information or pictures from previous reunions, please forward to Jerry Speakman.

Class photo courtesy of Fleshman Photography 50th Reunion
August 12-14, 2016
Columbus, Ohio
  The links below are slideshows for the named event only   
Fri. Aug 12: Golf, Tour of EHS, Meet & Greet Sat. Aug. 13: 50th Reunion Party Sun. Aug 14: Farewell Brunch (Menu)
Karen Brennan has prepared a composite slideshow of the reunion weekend from pictures sent to her by classmates and guests. The slideshow is a 42Mb, so be patient while it loads.  50th Reunion Weekend.  (To view or download a pdf, 50th AllEvents (15mb)). If you have additioanl pictures, please send to Karen or me.
Karen also prepared a composite slideshow of all reunions, including the 50th. This slideshow is 143mb, so even a little more patience. (This is the slideshow displayed during the reunion party with the 50th added). A slidshow for each reunion is also available, as listed below.
All Reunions   45th Reunion  40th Reunion  35th Reunion  30th Reunion  25th reunion  20th reunion  10th reunion  Yearbook

To view or download pdf files 
All Reunions(28mb)  45th Reunion  40th Reunion  35th Reunion  30th Reunion  25th reunion  20th reunion  10th reunion 
For the reunion party on Saturday night, 100%  of those registered attended, although Carol (Riggs) Turley's stay was brief. For a complete list of who registered for what events, view the Registrations.

45th Reunion
August 20, 2011
Hilton Easton  Columbus, Ohioo

Meet and GreetMeet and Greet Brio Brunch

A good time was had by all.

Good food and friends
45th Meet & Greet 45th Brunch
Pictures contributed by:
BJ, Jerry, Kathy Schott, Don Kite
Pictures contributed by:
Jerry, Kathy Schott


40th Reunion
August 19, 2006
Hilton Easton  Columbus, Ohio

Pictures provided by Don Hite (Susan Wilcoxon's husband), Marjorie Liddle (Mack), and Don Taylor. You can view photos in two ways, as a photo gallery or as a slideshow. Click on the corresponding button below. Don Hite (Susan Wilcoxon's husband took the large majority of pictures. It may take a little longer for that slide show to load).

40th Photo Gallery

Slide Show - Hite     Slide Show-Others     Debbie's Place

35th Reunion

A PowerPoint slideshow was provided by Karen Brennan. You will need PowerPoint or PowerPoint Viewer (free download from Microsoft)

35th Slide Show

30th Reunion
August 10, 1996

I do not have any photos, but I scanned the program cover, group picture and note from Paul Goss.

Click Here

This site was last updated 06/30/22